Sunday, 18 May 2014

Homemade Weed Killers

The more laid back gardeners amongst us who refrain from a bit of good old fashioned weeding may be tempted to to reach for a bottle of Roundup. However these products contain harmful chemicals which are damaging to the environment and bad for you too! So why not try making your very own murderous concoctions using simple everyday ingredients from your cupboards. They are all very effective methods and eco-friendly. Of course you could always just learn to love that annoyingly indestructible dandelion which keeps reappearing on your patio. Our obsession for neat and immaculate gardens has sadly had a huge impact on our British wildlife. Nature is often chaotic and untidy - but beautiful and fascinating too! Consider having a small patch in your garden where weeds can grow in peace. But if you really can't bring yourself to live in harmony with docks and dandelions try the following:

Hot Water

For an instant result pour boiling hot water directly on weeds to cook them on the spot. Even stubborn weeds cant survive a scalding and will be shrivelled and brown the following day. To avoid using a lot of electricity why not use the boiling water leftover after cooking.

Vinegar or Salt

Cheap cooking salt is effective for patios or driveways, pour directly into the cracks for best effects and water a little. Remember that large amounts of salt will make soil unsuitable for any plants, not just weeds. This makes salt the most effective method for preventing weeds from returning. Adding only small pinches of salt should dilute to safe levels within a few rainfalls. Vinegar works too and can be added to a spray bottle diluted with some water.


Newspaper/tarpaulin/black bin liners can all be used to cover weeds, blocking out the light. The weeds will eventually die although this method takes longer than others. Good for weeds within plant borders where the other methods would kill everything.

Hand Sanitiser

Rubbing alcohol, sold in small bottles for killing germs on your hands, can also be rubbed onto the leaves of weeds to dehydrate them. Again good for when you don't want to harm surrounding plants by treating the soil.

Washing up liquid

Not a weed killer by itself but is useful as a gel to adhere other ingredients to the leaves of weeds. Try mixing in salt or hand sanitiser and painting on to weeds.

Ground Cover

Weeds will pop up wherever there is opportunity and no competition for resources. Try covering bare patches with plants that like to spread such as heather and various alpines. Alternatively cover borders with bark which will block out light. 

Please remember that most methods are not selective - protect surrounding plants when applying!

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